You already read and hear how social security is in trouble, plus medicare, and other programs.
What you have not heard is the next major catastrophe - LONG TERM CARE.
Americans are aging. The baby boom generation has begun retiring. What happens when we get old and cannot care for ourselves and are beyond the ability of our family to assist? We go into Assisted Living Care Facilities or Nursing Homes.
Ever wonder how much a private room in a Nursing home costs? Reports say it is wide-ranging but up to $75,000 per year. The cost is expected to hit a hundred grand in the near future.
How many of you have the financial means to pay a hundred thousand a year?
What that means is this - you will spend virtually every dime you have on your own care until you are essentially broke. Then, once all your money and assets are gone the government will step in.
How's that for pessimistic?
Question: Just how long can the government continue to pay for long term care costs for most of its aging population? The majority of Americans do not purchase Long Term Care Insurance.
SOLUTION: Buy a Long Term Care Insurance policy once you reach your mid 50's.
If you live in Arizona, visit this website: Arizona Long Term Care Insurance Quote
If you are age 50 or older, do not skip over this!!! It's vital for you and your family to know the facts.
Arizona Auto Insurance