Ok, I used a very alluring title to get you to read this post. But it is a VERY important topic.
Policy Reviews
I know of a person who added about 1,000 square feet to their home. They did not alert their agent or their insurer - UNTIL the home burned down.
The last I heard the insurance company was declining to pay for the new addition because they were never told of it and had not been charging a premium for it.
Talk to your agent. You may not make such a sweeping change as adding a thousand square feet onto your home. But there may be other changes - buying or inheriting jewelry, guns, artwork (for homeowner purposes) or having a baby (life insurance change), or adding a teen driver (maybe the need to have an umbrella policy).
Your agent wants you insured properly. You want to be insured properly. All that is missing is you calling your agent and setting a 30 minute review.
It's all in YOUR best interest too. Have a great day!
Arizona Auto Insurance
Arizona Homeowner Insurance