I had a former client call me. They used to be my client when I worked for a captive company. They typed my name into a Google search and found me easily.
We compared their Arizona Auto Insurance and Arizona Homeowner Insurance.
The result? A savings of about $500 per year!
How? They were insured with a "captive" company, that is - an insurance company that only offers ONE rate. Typical well-known captive companies are State Farm, Farmers, Allstate and American Family.
We shopped their Arizona Auto Insurance and Arizona Homeowner Insurance with about 12 different carriers. By the odds alone, we stood a good chance of finding them a better rate.
They were excited to have me as their agent once again, and saving $500 was a nice bonus. I am very happy to have them back as clients as well.
For an insurance quote, click here:
Arizona Auto Insurance
Arizona Homeowner Insurance
By the way, we also helped the client with Arizona Umbrella Insurance and Arizona Life Insurance.
We highly recommend giving us a try. We are the # 1 Independent Insurance Broker in Arizona.