I accompanied my oldest brother recently as he shopped for a Ford Mustang. Yeah, I know. With gas prices climbing he wants a sports car. But he works hard (always has), saves his money and lives close to work, so what the heck.
It was fun watching him leave the lot for a test drive in a 2006 Mustang.
It was the subsequent pitch by the sales person that was not so fun. It was actually quite painful. And this is considering the sales person was a pretty nice guy. It's just a job that not everyone could do well.
My brother opted out of making a decision that day and it was a good thing. The next morning's paper listed brand new Mustang's for less than the used ones he saw the day before.
Maybe the "used" vehicles were a better model, bigger engine, had more extra's. Doesn't matter. He could still buy a brand new model that had zero miles and a longer warranty for less money.
The moral? I guess it is good to take your time and be patient when making a big purchase of any kind.
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