When buying car insurance most people tend to focus on the bottom line premium. It's ok because we all do that.
But do not be foolish to disregard something very important on your policy.
One item in particular - Bodily Injury (B.I.), can really do wonders for you in a bad situation.
Bodily Injury pays out to the other party for injuries you cause with your vehicle.
If you hit another vehicle and cause injury to the other party - or if you hit a pedestrian, child on a bike or motorcycle rider and cause injury, the bodily injury coverage is the item on your policy that will pay out to cover their injury claims.
What if you carry too little BI?
You will get sued - personally.
And the opposing attorney? He will legally go after your assets and future income.
So get the best insurance price you can. Just don't do it at the expense of carrying low bodily injury coverage.
Remember, your agent will give you the coverage you want and request. It's YOUR policy. You have a right to be under-insured if you choose. It's just not wise to do so.
Arizona Insurance Agent
Arizona Insurance Company