Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bodily Injury coverage is SUPER important

What is Bodily Injury coverage?

On your auto policy, it usually is the first item listed. It is under the "liability" portion of your policy.

Liability protects the other driver (or their passengers) from injuries you cause in an auto accident.

Bodily Injury is probably the most important coverage on your auto policy.

Imagine what would happen if you hit someone and caused serious injury or death? You would probably be sued.

What if you carry low BI limits on your auto policy? Your insurance company would pay up to the limits on your policy, then you would likely be personally sued.

Is that want you want?

If not, talk with your agent about raising your BI limits. It helps protect you from being personally sued and possibly having your assets attacked in a lawsuit or your income garnished.

It's not just car accidents you need to be concerned about. You could hit a kid on a bicycle, a pedestrian, or even a motorcyclist.

Own a home? Have other assets? Earn an income?

This is a quick-to-sue world. Protect yourself!

Phoenix Life Insurance
Arizona Life Insurance
Arizona Long Term Care Insurance
Arizona Auto Insurance
Car Insurance Phoenix
Home Insurance Phoenix