Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The First Lesson in Car Insurance

What is the most important part of YOUR Auto Policy?

You may get a different answer from everyone you talk to (medical coverage might be the other most chosen answer).

However, my answer is "Bodily Injury" (referred to as B.I.)

BI protects the "other" person if you are at-fault in an auto accident and there are resulting injuries. Keep in mind, it does not have to be another car we hit. What if we run over a pedestrian, a child riding a bike, or a motorcyclist? You can be sure there will be injuries or worse.

Question: If BI protects the "other" person, why is it the most important part of MY policy?

What happens if you hit someone and they are injured or die? You will be defending a lawsuit, right?

Bodily Injury helps protect your assets and income from a lawsuit. Now, there is no guarantee that your BI will be enough to fully protect you but having $250,000 per person in BI coverage will do more good than the typical $15,000 we often see.

That is why I believe BI to be the most important part of a policy.

Hope that helps.

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