Sunday, January 13, 2008

The OTHER insurance stuff

Some people own toys like a boat or motorcycle.

I am a big proponent of carrying lots of Bodily Injury protection on your auto policy. And the same holds true for boats and motorcycles.

But also think about adding Medical coverage to your policy if you own a boat or motorcycle.

Too often we focus on our deductible and the bottom line premium. But skimping on items like Bodily Injury and Medical can easily come back to haunt you.

While we all want to pay as little as we have to, some things in life are not worth going cheap on - like BI and Medical coverage.

You may have lots of assets or very little. But the one thread we all have in common is we all work to earn a living. It is possible someone can sue and get a garnishment on a portion of your income. I am not an attorney and do not disperse legal advice, but having decent Bodily Injury and Medical coverage is like taking vitamins for your body. It helps keep you all-around more healthy. BI and Medical can help keep you financially healthier - if you are ever at-fault in an accident or have an accident while on your boat or motorcycle.

If you have guests on your boat or motorcycle you need to carry BI and Medical - period. Don't put your financial well-being at risk. Plus, having these coverages is the right thing to do. If you own the toys, you really should have the proper insurance as well.

Don't forget to ask about an Umbrella policy while you are at it.

Arizona Auto Insurance, Home Owner Insurance Quote, Car Insurance Phoenix
Arizona Auto Insurance, Home Owner Insurance, Car Insurance Phoenix